

Jun 18 2023


9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Dad Fest

Looking for something to do on Fathers day? Join us for Dads Fest; a super fun family day happening from 09:00 – 14:00 on Sunday the 18th of June. Our top field will be filled with the buzz of different stalls and activities for the whole family to get involved in – and not to mention all the yummy food that comes with a great Dad’s fest! If you would like to put up a stall on the day the cost will be R300 per stall – also a refundable R150 if you stick around until 2pm. Book your space now to avoid disappointment. We’ll also be honoring our dads in the Sunday Experiences at 07:45, 09:30 and 11:15 – so don’t miss out, it’s going to be great!

If you’d like more info on stalls or would like to book for one, you can click here!

Louis Mare


Louis Mare
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