

Welcome to our Leadership team and thank you for being willing to serve.
Please read through the agreement below and select the relevant options. 

Leadership Agreement 2024

We won’t stop until every person has a Spirit-filled, mature relationship with Jesus Christ!

We honour God | We gather | We show compassion | We serve | We are generous

Godliness | Excellence | Family | Passion | Love | Servanthood

1. I confirm that I am a Christ-follower and commit myself to continual growth in my faith. Everything I do is based on and flows out of my relationship with Jesus Christ. I accept that God created me and associate myself with biblical principles.
2. I commit to living a biblical life that stays true to the kind of life that Jesus taught about and modelled for us. I will remain accountable for the way I live and communicate this to the world around me, including social media platforms. This includes my relationships with others, such as dating, marriage and friendships.
3. I commit to feeding myself Spiritually and will attend regular Sunday Church experiences, Encounter evenings, and training opportunities.
4. I will commit to growing in my faith by being discipiled regularly. I commit to either attending a circle or joining some form of discipleship program, e.g. Bible school, or any other discipleship program that meets regularly.
5. I commit to attend at least one Connect night every 3 years.
6. Out of respect for my fellow teammates and what we do, I commit to being punctual and come fully prepared. When I cannot attend a function/event, I will (1) arrange for a replacement volunteer where applicable and (2) communicate the swap with the ministry leader well in advance.
7. Counselling is defined as seeing a person more than once for guidance on the same topic. I commit to;
- Give biblical advice and support whilst upholding the values of New Life Church.
- Keep any information shared with me strictly confidential unless a person’s safety is jeopardised. In this case, it will be referred to the counselling pastor as a matter of urgency.
- I will not counsel a person of the opposite gender.
- Inform the Pastoral head of my ministry that counselling has started.
8. I will ensure that I am aware of the dress code stipulated by my ministry area and commit to dressing accordingly when representing New Life Church.
9. I acknowledge that I am not allowed to receive money from any congregant in my capacity as a Leader and will refer any tithes/offerings/donations to the Info desk/Office reception for receipt or relative online platforms.
10. Individual ministries each have their training manuals. This material may include details relevant to that ministry but not override this agreement. I will educate myself on the relevant training manuals if I have not already attended a team night where this was discussed.

I confirm that I understand the above and commit to complying with the agreement to the best of my ability.
I understand that I may be asked to rectify any behaviour not in line with this agreement or even asked to step down, if so deemed.
I agree to complete a monthly feedback form at the end of each month .
Areas where I am in Leadership


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