PASTORS FEEDBACK Pastors Weekly Feedback Form Date * Name * Email * Please List the Names of Congregation Members That You Have Visited With This Week * Please List the Names of People you saw for Counselling this week * Was there anyone you led to the Lord this week? (List Names) Was there anyone you baptised this week - outside of church Sunday baptisms? (List Names) Please List Anything to Ministry Highlights Celebrate From the Past Week * Please List Any Ministry Issues That Arose From the Past Week * What church members are you aware of that are currently in Hospital? For how long have they been there? How many evenings (after 5pm) were spent on ministry (including Circle)? What were those nights used for? * Did you do any ministry activity on your day off? If yes, please explain (and mention if you received permission in writing or not) * Did you attend Circle this week? (If no, please provide your reason) * Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. DOWNLOAD OUR APP GOOGLE PLAY STORE APPLE STORE Contact us Name E-mail Address Contact Number Message Submit